Elementary Statistics from Discover to Decision

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  • Elementary Statistics from Discover to Decision

    看過[Elementary Statistics from Discover to Decision]都覺得是一本不錯的好書

    內容簡介 When you purchase a NEW copy of ELEMENTARY STATISTICS From Discovery to Decision, you're not just getting a text, you're getting access to a host of data files, tutorials, and other CD-based resources! The free CR-Rom that is part of this text package contains the following key resources that are essential to your success: The real-world Data Sets are linked to various exercises and problems in the text. PowerPoint Slides illustrate key concepts from the text. These handy outline slides can be used for taking notes in class! Excel Interactive: Tutorials for Statistics provide hands-on training in the basic functions of Microsoft Excel. Be an Excel expert in record time! KADDSTAT is a menu-driven, statistical analysis plug-in for Excel, designed to provide "point and click" computational capability to perform graphical analysis, descriptive statistics, and international model analysis activities.

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